Our commitment to support our local community
This program is dedicated to donating a nominal amount of our income for each settled loan to one of our 5 select community partners.
How does our Bespoke Community program work?
Once your loan has settled, you have the opportunity to select one of our five community partners for us to donate to on your behalf.
Our Community Partners
Flintwood Disability Services
Flintwood Disability Services is a dedicated service provider for people with an intellectual disability. Flintwood’s goal is to create and enhance opportunities for people with disabilities in all aspects of their life.
Mr. Perfect | Mental Health Mate
Mr. Perfect is “Mental Health’s Mate”, a grassroots “pre-crisis” charity that creates community and connection by bringing men together at BBQs (and now online too) across Australia, to reduce isolation and encourage better mental health.
Save Our Sons | Duchenne Foundation
Save Our Sons – “Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)/Becker Muscular Dystrophy (BMD)” is the most common muscle disease of childhood. Save Our Sons provides research and support to those impacted by Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).
Women’s & Girl’s Emergency Centre
Women’s & Girls’ Emergency Centre aims to create safe spaces for women and children impacted by homelessness, domestic violence and social disadvantage. Their objective is to actively engage communities and supporters to be a part of the prevention movement to end gender-based violence in a generation.
Refer a friend & receive $500
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